Daniel, Vicki and Siobhan

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Friday, February 24, 2006


Hey! It's Friday the weekend and I have the weekend off wooohooo! Just got to get through a day at work! My plans this weekend are going out tonight for a friends birthday, having a friend pop over to got shopping with and going out to lunch, and sleeping on Sunday!
The driving has been going ok I don't stall my car half as much now and I've only cut up one person and that was a accident! Getting the frost off the car is so no fun! And having to fill up with petrol is pants too!
As of today I am 19 weeks and 2 days prego and I can now feel the baby move just like a little wiggle worm.... Almost half way there now! I have my next scan on the 13th of March but I don't want to know if it's a pink or a blue one I want a surprise....
well I must go make my lunch for work now and get going!
chat soon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Just thought I would let you all know my very good news.......I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!
I am so excited, I've just been to TESCO'S all on my own to fill up the car with petrol for work tomorrow. I had a very lovely examiner. I am now a very happy lady here is a picture of my car FOXY! I got here as a birthday gift last year at least i can now give her the love she needs!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What a busy week!

I've just had mum and dad leave they have just spent the weekend with me, It's been quite a relaxing weekend, went shopping on Saturday boots has a good sale on lots of baby bits for  £1 and mum also brought me a baby minder/ talker in boots it was a bargain in the sale half price!We also went to baby's r us where we found a lovely baby changing unit that mum and dad brought for us too I can't wait to put all the bits up in the baby room, but I will!
We got a call from the hospital the other day to ask me to go in for a scan as one of hormone levels were high after a bit of a panic we got to the hospital and had the baby checked over they measured it all over and made sure every thing looked ok we believe the raised hormone level can indicate spinabifida or a lack of growth, but baby is fine and we will just have to go to the hospital a few more times for a few extra scans to make sure baby is growing well, but it's nothing to worry about.
I have my driving test again!Nextt week, so I really do have my fingers well and truly crossed for next week and anything else I can possibly cross! I will let you know how it goes. Oh just thinking I do have lots I am doind this week.... I'm going to see final destination 3 on Tuesday ( how romantic ) I've never seen a scary film at the cinema before, and I'm a bit of a pandsy, Friday I have a chocolate party to go to, the oppertunity to spend lots of money I don't have on over priced chocolate I'm working Saturday - boo, and Sunday I have a 18th birthday BBQ to go to, In Febuary! must be mad!

I will leave you with this photo of my sister on the right my cousin wife claire in the middle and my couisn Chris's gilfrined on the left at my han party last year in may..

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Oh how time fly's

Who would believe it's feb already, gosh that make me sound old, I had a midwife appointment on Wednesday where I got to hear my baby's heartbeat that was very cool and the midwife said it was all coming along nicely I guess like a joint of beef cooking in the oven, also had another blood test ( how much blood do they need to take from me?)

Thursday I stayed round a friends house as we spent Friday shopping at lakeside shopping mall, My life is revolving around the baby! As I brought two night dresses that are very granny! However are perfect for hospital long with a button down top! I so wanted to buy some new clothes however it's not like they are going to last me five minutes with a growing tummy..... I also got a maternity bra, a baby blanket a sleep suit and some boys suits we had lunch at Ikea that was lots of fun as I've never had lunch there before and I had meatballs, chips gravy and cranberry sauce odd but strangely tasty.

And so today I really have not done a lot after completely wearing myself out and I also have work tomorrow, there is such trash on TV tonight I may just shove on strictly ballroom any how I'm gonna pop off
