Daniel, Vicki and Siobhan

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Friday, December 29, 2006

Lazy Town

Siobhan's Auntie Bert though the pink wig that Lily got in her styling Stephanie set would look good on her. I think you will agree she does look good with hair.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hope you all had a good one!

Hello all, hope you had a good Christmas, I went to my Mum and Dad's for a hectic one! Siobhan was up at 5:30 am Christmas day and as the rest of the house was so sleepy they did not get up till 8:00am after much persuasion. Siohhan was totaly spoilt and has some wicked toys and clothes.
My Sister and her family came to join us all for Christmas day dinner it was total madness.
The thing that made me laugh the most was my Mum buying watches for my niece and nephew, my sister tells me that my nephew is obsesed with time, however he spent the afternoon running round in circles shouting "but I'm running late"
The other thing that had me in stiches was my little nephew Theo making Siobhan laugh so much that she was sick, they are bisoted with each other.
Here are a few pics of our few days away.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

And a few more photos from Siobhans special day

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gosh it's been a while since I updated this, what have I been up to... Wednesday last week I went to my baby friends house ( a very lovely house she has to) for tea and a chat It was really nice and the baby's have lots of fun together did not do much on Thursday and Friday I had my works Christmas party. three course meal, lots of wine and free bar and a funky disco, my friend Claire was poorly sick sick so could not make it so I was not quite the same with out her. I did however win on the raffle I got a goodie bag that is worth about £150 mucho impressedo I got 2 book's once that Daniel has started to read! 2 pop DVDs A bottle of wine, George Micheal's new CD, that Daniel opened and listened to a t - shirt and a Sony Erickson phone, it's the first time I have ever won on the work raffle. I was a nice night but I missed Claire.
We had a quite weekend Saturday I spent recovering and later in the day went to the big Tesco's to do a Christmas shop and Sunday I cooked a roast and chilled. and well for the rest of the week I think I will be cleaning the house in time for Christmas. and If I don't speak to you before have a Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy 5 Month Birthday!

As I keep saying how time is flying happy 5 month birthday my little honey pie.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The past week

Man alive time is flying by like crazy - Wednesday last week I did baby massage Siobhan enjoyed that very much, I think she thought it was one big cuddle Thursday and Friday was spent recovering from the previous weekend and catching up on house work (never ending house work) Saturday We went and saw Nanna and Grandad Wilson, It was a lovely afternoon. We had not seen each other for a while we had lots to catch up on. Siobhan fell asleep on great Nanna Wilson........... again!
Sunday we went to Riley's 4th Birthday party It's was crazy, kids going mental all over the place but having a great time Claire done really well with the food, games and decorations, a Dinosaur theme.
well I'm going to pop a load of pics on now as I've not posted many for a while.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


After much debate I decided to give Siobhan her first taste of baby rice it went down as quite a treat. Siobhan has also started teething and Is having a go at chewing everything in sight.


Well It was only Furr - Purr he did not get stuck just went for a bit of a climb, It made me laugh.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Happy 5th Birthday

Happy 5th Birthday to Joseph and lily hope you have a great day and don't eat too much cake

Monday, December 04, 2006

Soooooooooooo Tired

Siobhan and I are still very tired we both had a afternoon nap today, Shes been a little cranky and she has every right to be as she did not sleep a wink yesterday (As I am sure she did not want to miss a moment of her party) I also believe she is teething and I'm sure she is now getting close to the stage of wanting to be weened. The above picture is of Siobhan in her gown which comes from Daniels side of the family it's is belived to be over 150 years old and was worn by Siobhans great great grandad and she has the privalidge to be the first of her generation to wear it, as you can see from the photo it is very pretty.

A very special day

A very tired Vicki is writing to you all today.... Siobhan was baptized yesterday It was a lovely day but my my It was a lots of work, Baring in mind I started shopping for food from Thursday, Did the cooking with the help of my mummy and daddy on Saturday and I was up at 4am put little bits of Pineapple on sticks with cheese, I thought I was nutty however Daniels Mum and Dad actually did not go to sleep and were up all night making rolls and and putting the finishing touches to the cakes, both the cakes looked beautiful. Right now I don't have any pictures of the cake to post, In fact I have a total of 8 photos on my camera, so if any of you have some pictures please email them to me.
Siobhan was a little angel all day, even being passed round everyone she was fine, I guess she loved all the attention.
It was a great day and thank you to everyone who made it so special I must say it was hard work but totally worth it, and also a thank you to all the people who traveled from far away, we all hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
He are a few pics and Will have some more to follow soon and If you emial me with some I can get them added too.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Sorry the birthday message was so late in going on tinternet was down all day
